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Snagging Survey: Common Questions

Anyone who is in the process of purchasing a new home (or has previously purchased one) has most likely heard the term “snagging list.” If you haven’t already guessed, this is a list of all the flaws or “snags” that you find in a new-build home after it’s finished. If you’re fortunate, this list will only include a few odd jobs and cleaning up scratched paintwork, but it can get much, much worse. If your completion date is approaching and you’re concerned about the condition of your home once you get the keys. Here are some of the most common questions about snagging with answers to help you prepare for your snagging survey.

What are Common Snags to Look for?

Small details that may appear unimportant at first glance, such as imperfect sealant, missing grout, or patchy pointing on external brickwork, are examples of common snags. These may not appear to be major issues when you first move in, but if they are not addressed, they can lead to more serious issues developing over time.

Certain flaws that a surveyor is much more likely to notice than the average homeowner, such as incomplete insulation around pipework in the loft or extractor fans that have been installed to vent into roof voids, causing damp build-up, are more likely to be detected by a surveyor. Other flaws are purely cosmetic, such as scratched windows or paintwork that is of poor quality. Even if they won’t affect the building’s functionality or structural stability, they must be addressed. After all, your new home should be as perfect as possible. See more snags you should look out forhere.

Can I do a Snagging Survey Myself?

Nothing is preventing you from conducting your snagging survey, but keep in mind that a surveyor’s experience allows them to inspect a property much faster and more accurately.

If you’re looking to save money by doing it yourself, do some initial research online to ensure you know what to look for. If you are unsure if something is a snag, it is best to include it in your list and at the very least query it with the developer. Finally, it may seem obvious, but don’t schedule your survey until the builder has confirmed the house is complete. Otherwise, there’s no point.

However, while a professional snagging survey may cost, it is only a fraction of the price of the house. It’s not much for the sense of security that a snagging survey can provide, especially since surveyors may have more leverage with the developer to get your issues resolved quickly.

Do I need a Snagging Survey if I have had a Condition Report?

To put it simply, yes. A snagging survey, unlike a condition report, is intended to focus on quality rather than the overall condition of the property. The companies that provide new home warranties are only concerned with the structural integrity of the building, adhering to guidelines known as “tolerances.” They won’t care about aesthetics, which is where the snagging survey comes in.

A property survey, on the other hand, will look for potential flaws in the structure of the property and determine whether there are any defects that you should be concerned about before moving in. It is a common misconception that a new home comes with a guarantee of construction quality, which is why you should always arrange for a qualified professional to inspect it.

Does a Snagging Survey Include Structural Defects?

Snagging surveys are intended to focus on details that may have been overlooked while the home was being finished. It is, however, a Surveyor’s job to look for structural defects, so if they notice anything that causes concern, they will flag it for further investigation. It is important to be aware that discovering a major flaw may cause delays. Your solicitor will have to be kept informed and involved to manage the issues appropriately, as refusing to complete an exchange and notice has been given will constitute a breach of contract.

When do I need a Snagging Survey?

If you are purchasing a home off-plan before it has been completed, you should arrange for a snagging inspection as soon as your builder serves notice to complete. Most businesses will provide this about two weeks before you can move in, giving the builder plenty of time to address any pressing issues discovered during the inspection.

When purchasing a completed home, the ideal time for a snagging survey is before you exchange contracts. If there are outstanding works or faulty objects, you can include provisions stating that you will not pay the full amount or formally complete the project until the issues are resolved.

About Home Snagging UK

Our experts at Home Snagging UK have a keen eye and pay attention to the small details, which means they frequently pick up on snags that your property developer may have overlooked. Our snagging survey reports ensure that your new home is built as promised, thanks to our defect prevention training and consistent finish guidelines. We are a snagging company you can rely on, with over 20 years of experience.Fill out our online enquiry form or call us at 01302 961111 to speak with one of our experts today. Follow us onInstagram for all of our home snagging and new construction warranty advice!

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We’re home snagging specialists with over 20 years of experience snagging new build homes. We identify construction defects, big or small, that your developer may have missed. We are fully qualified surveyors who work with our customers to make sure they get the perfect home.